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Hashachar Chocolate Spread

Israelis of all ages love creamy HaShahar Chocolate Spread. Delicious in sandwiches, as frosting or filling for cakes and cookies. Size: 17.6 oz | 500 g

Item # : FD011

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  • Ingredient:Chocolate   - In Stock

Hashachar Chocolate Spread

Young and old across Israel just love this chocolate spread. It is creamy, smooth and absolutely delicious. It is not overly sweet and if you have a chocolate craving, it is completely satisfying. Hashachar Chocolate Spread can be used on bread, as frosting, or as filling in cakes and cookies. I can also be used in recipes to substitute for that chocolate-hazelnut spread -- especially great for those with nut allergies because Hashahar does not contain nuts.

Size: 17.6 oz | 500 g

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