Hanukkah Shop
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The Jesus Boat Store is your on-line resource for Hanukkah Menorahs! Celebrated in November or December, Hanukkah is the most widely observed holiday in the Jewish calendar. During Hanukkah we light candles in a Hanukkah Menorah for eight nights. Also called the festival of lights, the lighting of the Hanukkah Menorah commemorates the victory of the Jewish people, led by the Maccabees over the ruling Greeks. During this time a miracle occurred wherein oil that was only enough for one day burned for eight. The design of the Hanukkah Menorah, also called a Chanukkia, has eight candles on one level for the eight nights and one additional candle to light the others and can be any size, color, or material. Chanukkiot are beautiful pieces for your home and show your honor of the miracle created by G-d for the Jewish People.