The Torah Scroll is a continuous parchment wound on two wooden shafts attached at either end that contains the entire text of the Five Books of Moses. An original Torah Scroll is written by hand by a pious scribe which special training. These are Sefer Torah and kept in the Ark of the Covenant of the synagogue. They are highly expensive and not proper for every day use. However, replica Torah Srolls have the same text, They are facsimiles of an original. sells Torah Scrolls for everyday study and teaching. They can still routinely be read aloud and be in the presence when prayers are offered and blessings for all that need. They can be used on Shabbat morning and afternoon and during Jewish holidays. They are a perfect alternative to the Sefer Torah.
They are also beautiful and are approprate adornations for homes, offices, churches and congregations because they represent the core of the Faith. It is the tangible presentations of our connections with God's Word and His guidance. The Torah a gift from God to the world and is a guide for our lives. It is the blueprint of how we should live right there in black and white.
The first Sefer Torah was written by Moses as dictated directly from God. Moses' final words were of the Torah telling the Israelites to reference these words for all life's questions. They did and taught their children to do the same and down through the generations.
The Torah Scroll is something special for all who love and honor God's word.