Jewish Pendants
Jewish Pendants
People have long been decorating themselves with jewelry. It is a way to show wealth, status and even religion and philosophies. For example, wearing a diamond bracelet is a show of wealth, wearing a wedding band shows your marital status and wearing a religious pendant says something about your beliefs.
Probably the most open to interpretation is the wearing of religious symbols. Wearing a Jewish pendant could mean that you practice the Jewish religion or to show your support of Israel or even to display your love of the Jewish roots of Christianity. These are all legitimate reasons to wear a Jewish pendant.
Furthermore, Jewish pendants have a myriad of different symbols on them. To wear the most appropriate symbol, a little research might be necessary.
The Star of David is probably the best know Jewish symbol. Star of David pendants make a very obvious statement. Since the Star of David is so recognizable, wearing one shows an obvious connection to Judaism. Another highly recognizable Jewish symbol is the menorah. Menorah pendants also make a strong statement that you are associated with the Jewish faith. The Menorah is the most ancient symbols of the Jewish people.
Two Jewish symbols that are less obvious are the Chai and the Mezuzah. The Chai is actually a Hebrew word that means “life.” For people who believe the Chai has more religious connotations it calls out to the Living G-d like in Psalms 84 and for Believers in Jesus, it also refers to the Messiah, son of the Living G-d (Matthew 16:16). Others say it simply reflects the importance of life in Jewish culture.
The mezuzah is a small case that contains scriptures that is hung on the doorpost of Jewish homes. It is a constant reminder of G-d’s presence. Recently, pendants that look like small mezuzahs have become popular. Like the real mezuzah and that hangs on the doorpost, the wearers of mezuzah pendants use them to be reminder of G-d’s presence.
Finally, is the Jewish pendant called the Hoshen or the Priestly Breastplate. The Hoshen consists of 12 stones, one for each of the 12 tribes of Israel, and was originally worn by the Israelite High Priest. Today people enjoy wearing the Hoshen because the stones represent the unity of the Jewish people and that all people stand equal in the sight of G-d.