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Blessing from Jerusalem Anointing Oil King Solomon

An anointing oil from the Holy City of Jerusalem, use to honor the essence of the lessons of salvation from the life of King Solomon. Size: .4 fl oz | 12 ml

Item # : AO013KS

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  • Size:.33 oz   - In Stock

Blessing from Jerusalem Anointing Oil King Solomon

King Solomon was known for his wisdom, wealth and power, but also as a king who sinned. This anointing oil from Jerusalem with blessings honors the life lessons of Solomon. When using his anointing oil think of all Solomon learned: that prayer can change your life, God is honored by excellence and also wisdom, integrity and loyalty pleases God. It is an excellent anointing oil to use when you are trying to turn more towards God and away from temptation.

Size: .4 fl oz | 12 ml

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