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Ark of the Covenant Blue Velvet Shofar Bag, Long

This shofar bag will keep your shofar safe from the elements and accidents. Luxurious Blue velvet with gold embroidered design of the Ark of the Covenant. Available in 2 sizes.

Item # : JA04112

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  • Size:85 cm | 33 in   - In Stock
  • Size:105 cm | 41 in   - Out Of Stock

Long Ark of the Covenant Blue Velvet Shofar Bag

Carry and protect your precious shofar with pride while encasing it in a bag decorated with the Ark of the Covenant. Made from soft blue velvet with the Ark of the Covenant and its Levite escorts embroidered in gold. Bag created for the Yemenite shofar.

Zippers shut along the length of the bag for easy stowing and removal. Handle runs the length of the bag making carrying more natural.

Available in two lengths:
85 cm | 33 inches
Appropriate for shofar catalog numbers: SF104, SF105, SF106, SF107, SF108, SF109, SF110

105 cm | 41 inches
Appropriate for shofar catalog numbers: SF111, SF112, SF113, SF114, SF115, SF116, SF117, SF118, SF119, SF120

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