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Blessing from Jerusalem Anointing Oil King David

An anointing oil from the Holy City of Jerusalem, inspired by King David, to bring you light in God's Word and bring you peace and strength when facing challenges. Size: .4 fl oz | 12 ml

Item # : AO013KD

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  • Size:.33 oz   - In Stock

Blessing from Jerusalem Anointing Oil King Solomon
King David wrote in the 23rd Psalm:
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.

David's heart was refreshed in the Lord’s ministry to refresh, particularly in light of the immediate threat of enemies. Being in God’s presence, at His banquest table of plenty, rejuvenated David, giving him the strength to face all the challenges and pressures of life. His enemies could threaten all they wanted, but in the shelter of God’s presence, David would feast and be refreshed.

Let this oil, inspired by King David, bring you light in God's Word and bring you peace and strength when facing challenges.

Size: .4 fl oz | 12 ml

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