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Limited Edition Anointing Oils Complete Set 10% savings

Set of limited edition anointing oils from the Holy Land infused with premium ingredients. You save 10% if oils purchased individually. Size: 13 bottles of .4 fl oz | 12 ml each

Item # : AO00313

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  • Scent:All Six Scents   - In Stock

Limited Edition Full Set of Anointing Oils, 13 Oil Set

What an amazing deal! A 10% price reduction than if you purchased them individually. 

This set contains special gold editions of these popular anointing oils. Produced with premium ingredients, this anointing oils made with various herbs and flowers found in the Holy Land.

Included in the set, 1 unit of each scent from the Gold Limited Edition (no substitutions)
Myrrh and Frankincense
Light of Jerusalem
Rose of Sharon
Jonah the Prophet
Lily of the Valley
Cedar of Lebanon
King David
Queen Esther
Lion of Judah
King Solomon

(NOTE TO WHOLESALE CUSTOMERS: No additional discount.)

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