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100% Whole Sesame Tahina

Get the tasted of the Middle East at home every day by serving Tehina. Whole Tehini paste is made from sesame seeds and rich in calcium, iron and nutritional fibers. Size: 17.6 oz | 500 g

Item # : FD010

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100% Whole Sesame Tahina

Made in Israel (Brand will vary)


Tehina is one of the essential flavors of the Middle East. Thini is made from roasted whole sesame seeds ground into a paste. To prepare add water to the paste and season to your liking -- the classic is with parsley, lemon juice and garlic, but you can use the seasons you like. Tahina can be used on bread, in salads and even to make delicious cookies. Rich in calcium, iron, dietary fiber, manganese, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin B1, zinc and low in sodium, sesame seeds (and tehina) considered a new super food.

Size: 17.6 oz | 500 g

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